(Photos are courtesy of Steve Ratte)

Another Spring Ritual for many of us Vermonters is the annual trip to a local sugar house. Every Spring we make the trip to our favorite sugar house for our annual supply, buying it directly from the source. Price is not a question that is asked. We have one thing in mind - Quality & Taste - and we go for the sole purpose of getting it for ourselves, friends or family. Now there may not be one lick of difference, but I just can't see myself buying syrup in the local supermarket. Steve & Pauline Ratte are no exception. They made their annual trip to Georgia Mountain to the Bruce & Linda Barrows Sugar House and will be sending some of the "Real Vermont Stuff" off to their children in Hawaii. Steve brought his digital camera this year and fowarded these photos to me which he said could be shared with all of you.

The Bruce and Linda Barrows sugarhouse on Georgia Mountain

Bruce Barrows tests the boiling sap

Linda Barrows draws off some of the finished product

Bruce & Linda Barrows have a very modern (digital) operation. All the sap is pipelined directly to the sugarhouse.

Henry A. Raymond
March 27, 2003